problem with display points
16 year
I dont know if this is technically a bug, but I have a problem with the display-points module.

When I select a blob array (or any other variable) to display the points as a circle or other shape, the size of the shape can be set using the appearance dialogue in the display point module.

The problem is as I increase the size of, for example, a circle to display the points, the size increases incrementally until I set the size to 25. At size 25, the shape increases in size dramatically, about 10 times as big.

Why is this?

Is there any way to set the size of a shape between these large different sizes?

Anonymous 16 year

This was an issue with the point size. When the size goes from 20 to 25 the actual size was wrong. This has been fixed in version Please download and try this again. Note that there is not way to chose "22" but the increment between 20 and 25 should not have been as big as you experienced. Let us know if this is not sufficient.


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