TRENDnet Internet Camera
16 year
Hello I have a question

How do you get the Trendnet Internet Camera to output the video to the screen? It works when I press the snapshot button and I can see the frames per second change so the video is coming in.

Anonymous 16 year

Hmm, that's an interesting one. The video should show directly in the main preview area in RoboRealm ... i.e. the gray area in your screenshot. Since the snapshot seems to be working you are getting an image but for some reason it is not being displayed. Couple things to try:

1. Goto Options Button->Other tab and be sure the checbox next to the "Preview" option is checked. Then also verify that both FPS have a non-zero number. Perhaps 30 is a good default. Select ok when done.


2. Drag an image into the main RoboRealm image area and see if that appears.


3. Try selecting the "Camera" button and see if you get an image at all from any camera.

Anonymous 16 year
Wow right the first time

   It was issue number 1 that solved it. Thanks STeven

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