NXT2000  [2 posts] 16 year
hi roborealm experts,  I have a question. how do you get an nxt unit to be controlled through roborealm software with a keyboard?  I have tried before but I just cant get it.
Anonymous 16 year
It depends on how you want to control the robot. If you want to use a simple keypress to move the robot in that direction you can use the keyboard module to trigger a motor movement in a particular direction.

Included below is an example.

Use cursor keys to move in appropriate direction and space bar to stop. Note that this is configured to use USB connection so that you can test it without determining the appropriate COM port. Note that you will need it usb connected in order for this to work.

Anonymous 16 year
And here's the robofile.
NXT2000  [2 posts] 16 year
Thank's alot Steven!

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