Fire Fighting program
Jess from United States  [3 posts]
16 year
I am entering a fire fighting competition with a course similar to the picture shown below.  The rules are that I have to navigate around the walls, blow out the candle without touching it, and do it under three minuets  It may be simple but I can't figure out the final programming.  I can get it to move and pick up the infrared signal, but I can't get it to move to the candle and blow it out.  Can anyone help me?
Jess from United States  [3 posts] 16 year
Here is the picture
Anonymous 16 year

What platform and specific sensors are you using? Depending on the robot platform you might have better luck in getting this question answered on the hardware's website. Most of the products used in these competitions have quite active websites that show how to use them in these types of competitions.

If it is a vision question we'd be happy to help but would be lacking in describing any solutions that require embedded programming or usage of non-visual sensors.


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