HiTechnic NXT Sensors
16 year
We're interested in using a HiTechnic Acceleration Sensor to determine if our robot is traveling uphill or downhill (and adjusting motor power levels accordingly).  Has anyone had any luck using the HiTechnic Sensors with the RoboRealm Lego NXT Interface?  I suppose we could also have the sensor store it's value into a variable or message and then retrieve that message or variable instead of retrieving directly from the sensor, but any experience/help with HiTechnic Acceleration Sensors would be greatly appreciated...

Anonymous 16 year

We've not used any of the HiTechnic sensors ... but it seems that the solution you mention should work. As I doubt Lego has built into their remote protocol the possibility to control that sensor that might be the only way ... unless they have piggy-backed that sensor ontop of another .. i.e. the tilt sensor 'looks' like the IR sensor that comes with the Lego kit.

Regardless, a small app running of the lego robot sending mailbox messages to the base computer should work fine.

Anonymous 16 year
The HiTechnic Acceleration Sensor is not piggybacked (like the old ones for the RCX were).  Instead Lego has partnered with HiTechnic in a way.  They are distributing the sensors and supplying good info to the HiTechnic people.  HiTechnic has a downloadable "block plugin" that will allow programmers to write programs using the sensor.  Using this plugin, I suspect we will write a simple program that sends the value of the Acceleration Sensor (or at least the appropriate portion that represents the uphill/downhill travel of the robot) to RoboRealm over USB (eliminating BT for battery life).  Once the Accel Sensor that I ordered tonight arrives, we'll post info on our solution...

Anonymous 16 year

Thanks for the description! Based on that, the mailbox solution seems like it will work. Definitely post the solution and any issues that we might be able to help with.


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