Still Seemingly Having Problems With DC_Missile Module
Cheese from United States  [1 posts]
16 year
I am still having the problem where my Dream Cheeky USB Missile Launcher is unable to be detected. The only real information is that I am using RoboRealm freshly updated, and the fact that it's build date is September 28'th 2007 for the Missile Launcher.

I have done nothing to modify RoboRealm's directory, and I have also done nothing to modify the Dream Cheeky USB Missile Launcher.

It has never previously worked with RoboRealm for I, though I can control it with ease using the software specifically for it.

I have not used RoboRealm for an extended amount of time hoping that there would be some sort of fix at a later time, and I see there has been from version to version, and people seem to have great success with it, but I still seem to have this wretched problem.

If there is any sort of possible solution for this, or if more information is needed, a response directing me would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

- It even appears as though this problem has been cleared up for a month, for I am seeing many month old success stories.

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