Autonomous Robot Driving Competition
Rui from Portugal  [5 posts]
16 year
Hi. Excellent work on RR.
I am preparing a new robot for the Portuguese Anual competition next week (yes, I'm a little tight on time) take a look at the site here (http://robotica.ua.pt/robotica2008/index-en.htm).
You can get the specs here (http://robotica.ua.pt/robotica2008/docs/Conducao_Autonoma2008.pdf) and a movie here (http://robotica.ua.pt/robotica2008/media/conducao-autonoma.wmv). [all in english]

My question (for now) is:
Suppose I am running a robo file that is reading the road dashed lines (and providing the variables to drive the robot), how do I get to know when the zebra is there and is time to stop and look for the semaphores?
In other words: Do I run 2 robo files? Or do I do double work on the first one? Or should I just change the whole approach?

Any Ideas would be greatly apreciated.

Thanks in advance

proteusy from Portugal  [3 posts] 16 year
Hi Rui, how are you ? I think it is best if you take a FANUC robot to the competition ;-). LOL. Seriouse now, i think you can solve your problem running only one robo file with 2 instances. One for the vetical lines and other for the zebra. But i think Steven can explain it better to you. Good luck mate.

Anonymous 16 year
Yes, Cunha is correct, it seems that running both processing in the same robofile will be the best solution. Think of it in two stages. The first processes for one signal, then uses the marker module to restore the image to the source image and then processes for the second signal.

Using two robofiles would require switching from one to the next which would induce processing delays ... probably too much so.

Rui from Portugal  [5 posts] 16 year
Hello Cunha, nice to hear from you! Thaks for the tip.

Thaks Steve, I'll try that.


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