More than one color
16 year

I'm new here I need some help, I'm working with MSRS. So I've downloaded RR application and the application for MSRS. I want to follow a road painted in blue, for example, so I use a color-filter and then the center-of-gravity. The problem is if during I follow the blue road I want to identify another color in the road, as a red landmark. I see that there is an "if statement" but I'm not sure how can I use it, If someone can hlep me...

thanks in advance.
Anonymous 16 year
Think of them as two separate processes. You have the blue detection process which seems to work. At the end of that revert back to the original image using the marker module (set the image to source) and essentially start the process again saving any variables by assigning them to your own variables using the set_statement module.

If you need more explicit help post an image and robofile and we'll help you through the process.

Nerea  [1 posts] 16 year
Thanks Steven! That works! I send you the program I use now, it is to look for blue, green and yellow colors, I think it is right...
Thanks again!

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