Darrell from United States  [8 posts] 16 year
OR, what if I used a DC motor and this:
Vantec RET411P

Darrell from United States  [8 posts] 16 year
Never mind about this. Sorry.
Anonymous 12 year
i'am suppose to develop four wheel steering robot. Where for this robot development it use
1) 2 DC motors (http://www.robotshop.com/productinfo.aspx?pc=RB-Cyt-82&lang=en-US)
2) 2 servo motors (http://evilmadscience.s3.amazonaws.com/catalog/components/motor/servo9g/imgmed/1.jpg)

One servo motor and one DC motor control front wheels. another one servo motor and DC motor control rear wheels. Which module i'm suppose to use to program my robot?
Anonymous 12 year
It will depend on what Motor Controller board and what Servo Controller board you are using. That will be what a particular module will talk to. A PC cannot directly control a motor or servo (unless you want to try to do this with an old style parallel port ... not recommended!).

I'd also suggest reading up a bit more on how you control these devices from a PC. It seems that you are not familiar with the control system for robots. Here are two sites worth looking at that may help



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