HTTP read refresh frequency ignored
rymo from United States  [1 posts]
16 year

I'm using RoboRealm and it seems the Refresh Frequency setting is ignored in the HTTP_Read module.  No matter what I set it to, it seems to be running in "ASAP" mode. I even tried linking to a static JPG, it still hits the server as fast as it can.

I notice that nothing about refresh is being saved to my .robo files, including working.robo.  Nor is anything saved regarding GET/POST.  URL, Username, Password, and Headers are all saved successfully.

Can you verify this is a bug?  I'm on Windows XP x64 if that matters...

Thanks!  Great program!

- Ryan
Anonymous 16 year

You are correct. The refresh frequency was not being saved correctly. This has been fixed in Can you download RR again and let us know if it works any better.

rymo from United States  [2 posts] 16 year
I downloaded and see that it does appear to save <refresh_time> in the .robo file now.  However, the program still doesn't seem to be making use of this value.  No matter what I select in the Refresh Frequency dropdown, as soon as I click the Start button in the HTTP Read dialog box it starts downloading the Url repeatedly, even if I select "Once" or "Every 12 hours".  Am I doing something wrong?  Or do I not understand how this is supposed to work?  Perhaps I have missed out on some additional documentation regarding the HTTP_Read module.  I have it pointed at a static JPG Url right now - should that make a difference?

Also--while not important to my project--I do notice the GET/POST setting is still not saved in the .robo file.

Thanks again,

Anonymous 16 year

Are you unselecting the Camera button before running a robofile with the HTTP_READ module in it? The refresh only refers to when their is no live camera in use with that module. Basically a live camera will drive the rate at which the pipeline runs, without it each module will decide how quickly to run.

Thus the refresh time was a "suggested" refresh time rather than an enforced one. As an enforced one makes more sense we have updates to do this. Can you try this once more?

rymo from United States  [2 posts] 16 year

This update works great, thanks!  I am running without a live camera so an enforced rate on HTTP_READ is exactly what was needed.


- Ryan

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