ImagingSource Firewire Modules
16 year
Hi, I see you actually now have a module specifically for dealing with Firewire cameras from the ImagingSource.

I don't know if you remember but this is why we originally needed the Bayer module, and that worked pretty well for what we were doing but I would like to test out whether this module does things better.

Currently we are using a DBK 21F04 and in your tutorial you use a DBX-21BF04-Z

The thing that confuses me is, I downloaded the new version of roborealm and also the .robo file associated with the shape matching tutorial. 2 weird things happen. When I open the .robo file, there is no 'firewire camera' module to be seen, and when I do try and add this module back into the robo file pipeline, there are no options coming up for me on the associated pull down menus.

Further to this, do I need to disable the camera in the camera options before using this module, as surely if I have already picked it in options then maybe this would get confused with the actual firewire pipeline?


Ian R

Anonymous 16 year

Did you install the CMU 1394 Digital Camera Driver? Note that the installation might push your other firewire driver installations out of the way.

Also note that the imaging source wrote quite a good WDM driver. Based on our tests we didn't see the firewire module bring anything more to the table that was not already available. The bayer filter they used in the driver (see options button->video->format dropdown to switch it on) is quite good too.


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