The ultimate end-product
17 year
I'm a complete noob when it comes to all this programming etc. but my hat goes off to you Mike for creating a .robo file that allows the missile launcher to track objects....that's the epitome for "totally awesome" in my books!!

The ultimate .robo file should include the following:-

- object tracking
- software limits on extent of launcher's rotational & tilting motors
- single press FIRE command

Alternatively, try configure Roborealm to interact with the DC software. The only limitation being that you cannot rotate and tilt the launcher at the same time....one of the major downsides of the supplied DreamCheeky software.
USB Missile Launcher Update
17 year
Hi All,

Nice ideas .. so we went ahead and added them in. The USB Missile launcher does have some feedback that indicates when it is close to it end limits. We now respect those and gone is the nasty clicking sound when at the extremes.

We also reconfigured the fire button to keep "firing" until the bullet is fired ... and then we prime the tank for the next fire. This priming will get your bullets off quicker when the need to fire comes along.

For those interested please download RoboRealm once again ... we just updated that module!



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