Refreshing notepad
Robo from United States  [3 posts]
16 year

I am storing the variables( cog and angle) in a seperate notepad using vb program. I need to refresh notepad(i.e delete all the values and again start to write the values) for every certain amount of time say 10 sec.
So after every 10 sec, I need to delete all the previous values and start storing new values.

Any help regarding how to implement?

Code for writing into notepad.

Dim fi
  Dim fso
   Dim intVar
  set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  set fi = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\text.txt", 8, true)
  intVar = 1
  if err.number = 0 then
    ' Append the cog coordinates to the file.
    ' You can specify other variables here
    intVar = intVar+1
    fi.writeLine intVar & "." & GetVariable("X_1") & ":" & GetVariable("Y_1") & ", " & GetVariable("X_2") & ":" & GetVariable("Y_2")  & "," & GetVariable("X_3") &":"& GetVariable("Y_3") & "," & GetVariable("X_4") & ":" & GetVariable("Y_4")
    fi.writeLine "Angle_1:" &GetVariable("Angle_1") &"," & "Angle_2:" & GetVariable("Angle_2") & "," & "Angle_3:" &  GetVariable("Angle_3") & "," & "Angle_4:" &  GetVariable("Angle_4")
  end if
  set fi = nothing
  set fso = nothing
Anonymous 16 year

Use the CreateTextFile to overwrite the file and then use the seconds(now)mod 10 to cause it to execute every 10 sec

if Second(Now) mod 10 = 0 then
    Set fi = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\\testfile.txt", True)
     set fi = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\\text.txt", 8, true)
end if

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