Orbit AF issue
16 year
I have just downloaded Roborealm. I have a Logitech Orbit AF.
When i open the roborealm application the main screen just show me a bar with: zoom combobox, options, help and Run buttons, and the rest of the form is gray. I can see some buttons blinking in the bottom.

Anyone can help?

Anonymous 16 year
Yes, it seems that the splitter bars are off center. Try holding down the CTRL key and then run RoboRealm.exe by double clicking on it in the folder. Using CTRL while starting up RR forces it to reset its windowing.

Let us know if that works ..

Anonymous 16 year
That worked great! THanks a lot!

Now another question, i can see the streaming video in 8080, but the pan/tilt buttons does not respond from the iexplorer.
However, they respond in the roborealm application

Anonymous 16 year
Correct, they are placeholders for implementing the pan/tilt from within RoboRealm. As there are many different pan/tilt systems we don't anticipate what the user may have. To hook up the Oribt have a look at the internet camera tutorial that has a robofile configured for the Orbit at the end of the tutorial. Note we do it this way to allow for great flexibility in adding more buttons that may do other tasks from the browser within RoboRealm.


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