Dave from United States  [84 posts] 16 year
Ok, I think I'm on to something here........ and so far its not looking to bad... as of yet, within the last few minutes.  What I did was lower the frame rate to 5 fps, slower then I wanted it but its still transfering the images faster then the other program I was using. I also set the "preview" to 1 fps. So far my CPU usage dropped from about 37% up to 50% down to as low as 4% and spiking at times at about 20% but mostly hanging around 10%.
   The only reason I post this is just in case someone along the line runs into the same problem with high CPU usage.

Dave from United States  [84 posts] 16 year
Sorry..... this should have been posted under "Strange findings, any suggestions what to look for?"


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