skin segmentation
Anonymous  [1 posts]
16 year
hello guys. first off I should say roborealm is a god sent app. I can test a lot of vision processing ideas without going through the hassle of programming them.

so, about my question... I'm trying to code a simple skin segmentation (no, not with roborealm, but with a programming language). I tried googling skin segmentation but much of the articles I found are either not publicly viewable or are too complicated for me to understand. If you do google it, there's one by a couple of stanford students; it's in matlab, though, which is not what I want...there's not much explanation to the way their skin segmentation works even though it's open source.

So I'm wondering if any experts here are kind enough to explain a simple skin segmentation algorithm to me. Thank you very much.
Anonymous 16 year
While we don't exactly use the following technique it should illustrate the basics of skin color detection:



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