traffic light identification
Anonymous  [8 posts]
16 year
i am currently working on a traffic light identification problem as part of my final year project.

I have written the enclosed program but i only seems to work for one colour of the traffic light(usuallly the last colour in the program)
and hence the identification is completely wrong

try the program with  images 1,2 and 3; u'll see wat i mean
can u please tell me wats wrong?

thanks for ur help

Anonymous 16 year
While color is an easy route to go it will end up with a lot of noise especially with the green light. You could potentially filter the remaining noise by looking for just circular blobs but perhaps an easier (at least for RoboRealm) way would be to look for strong circles and then based on the average color of those circles determine what light is on.

Below we've included such a robofile that appears to work on the image that you provided. Note that if these are the only images then you're good to go. For a more robust system you many want to use the dark rectangular surroundings to uniquely identify that it is a traffic light circle and not something else. Also note that this will not work if the traffic light is viewed from a side angle ... as the light will no longer appear round.

Note that there are many ways to accomplish this task but each has its issues.



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