Anyone Else Using Logitech Orbit MP With RoboRealm?
Dave from United States  [84 posts]
16 year
I was wondering if anyone else has been tinkering around with RoboRealm and the Logitech Orbit MP? Any one who is interested in seeing how I've used RoboRealm as a webcam video server can check out the page here  (at least until my IP address changes). If you read any of my other posts I stated that I had trouble with the "UP" button when first starting up the program and accessing the "index.html" page. After making changes to the original "index" page to how it looks now, that problem seemed to clear up. I'm no programmer by a long shot, I just mess and usually end up just screwing everything up.
    About the only thing I'd like to do with the above page is somehow write a script that would show any IP connected to the cam and it would be nice to be able to close the contents/index/search side of the window when the program is running, that way I can shrink the window so only the video portion of the window is showing.
    Probably not a lot of people messing with RoboRealm and the Logitech Orbit MP.... just thought I'd ask.
Anonymous 16 year

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