Programming X-Y Dimension variable
robot guy from India  [3 posts]
16 year
Hello.A particular problem statement that I am working on requires that one half of the screen I run RGB filter set to green and the other half with RGB filter set to RED.I couldn't do this .I tried using the IF statement but thing is how will i keep the condition.I want to write the code in roborealm which would do some thing like this:
For X<150
run RGB filter with color set to green
COG module (tracking green object)
For X>150
run RGB filter with color set to red
COG module (tracking red object)

But problem is there is nothing like the X,Y varaibles which define the pixel position in roborealm.Please tell me how shall I solve this
16 year
You can do this by cropping the picture for only one half, applying the rgb filter green on that half, reverting the original with a marker, cropping for the other half, applying the rgb filter red on that half, and then combining the two with the Mosaic module. Testing this, there's a gap between the two halves when you mosaic it, but otherwise it works and you can apply the cog module on each half without mosaic-ing it together.

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