PC Plus
VorlonKen from United Kingdom  [7 posts]
16 year
Check out the disc with the latest edition of PC Plus. In conjunction with their mini-mag on robotics, they have put a load of robot related software on it, including RoboRealm.
Anonymous 16 year

Thanks for the note! We were wondering when that would come out. Too bad they don't deliver to the USA.

PC Plus
VorlonKen from United Kingdom  [7 posts]
16 year
Hi STeven,

I've had a quick look at all the robot articles in the Robots extra supplement it came with but can't see any mention of RoboRealm so far. Still it's nice to see it being thought highly enough to include (might have something to do with it being in association with MSRS).

Shame you can't get it over there.


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