can roborealm run under BartPE ?
aaqil khan from Canada  [1 posts]
16 year
I am planning on building a more powerful robot which will use RoboRealm for onboard vision processing. The motherboard will boot from a USB flash drive and run BartPE (stripped down version of Windows XP).

Is roborealm known to work in this environment? I have not started experimenting yet, but would like to hear from other users.

Aaqil Khan

Anonymous 16 year
Just to comment on BartPE ... our trails with Bart lead us to believe while it is possible to run RR on that platform it will take a lot of tweaks and downloads to get all the needed libraries. Bart is configured to be a minimal configuration which does not include many of the core libraries (GUI libs) that RR needs in order to run. Or trials would not even get the application GUI to startup correctly due to missing libraries.

In summary, this might be possible but it will be a large undertaking.

Perhaps XPLite is a better option?


Sean Taffert from Canada  [6 posts] 16 year
I've used the BartPE system disk for years now. You may want to try the more flexible (but derivative) Ultimate Boot CD for Windows (UBCD4WIN). It provides a more complete environment and supports .NET 2.0 along with many other niceties. It _may_ work with no modification.

If I get a chance I'll experiment. It would be nice to be able to lock down a setup that can run RR on virtually any windows capable machine. I guess it would become the Live RR Boot CD?!?!

Mbainrot from Australia  [3 posts] 15 year
Sorry to bump one from the dead

It is possible to run RoboRealm, I got an old version of RR (back in the day when RR came in a zip file)


What you need to do is meet all the depends.

These are the depends (that atleast stop it from running!): (note things may not work properly and I have only scraped on the testing of this)
C:\windows\system32\avifil32.dll (yes this file name is correct)

These files where copied to the RoboRealm directory

I'll work on a BartPE plugin that will setup the depends and copy the files it needs so that you don't need to go hunting for the files yourself

I will also test it to see if it works with the new "installer" version

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