Roborealm stays on
16 year
Hi STeven,

I noticed that even when I save my .robo files, when I open them up again they always have in the ip address box and says "cannot connect to ip". Things of this nature. However, I have a VBscript program and that starts working as soon as I open the file. However, all our surveyor robots are on ip's 192.168.0.xx where x is 11, 12 and 13!

This is a bit weird. Maybe you would like to just make a few test programs to see if it does the same with you guys.

Ian :)
Anonymous 16 year

Once again you are correct! There was a problem in restoring a saved IP address ... the default was overriding what was stored. Please download for the fix. Note that assuming the correct IP's were last used they should still be saved and just work with this fix.



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