Anonymous 16 year

Glad the flipping worked out.

To use the corrected image simply insert a Marker module just after the Bayer module and call it 'bayer_corrected' or something that you can recognize. This will 'mark' the image and allow you to specify it in other modules. Once this is inserted go to the COG overlay and instead of 'source' select whatever the name you called the marker i.e. 'bayer_corrected'.

The marker allows you to save an image anywhere along the pipeline for the purpose of overlays, reverting, etc. Its a common technique in RR as the 'source' will always mean the exact data bits loaded into RR. This is also often used when reading avi movies into RR as the source will just be blank.

Thanks for the action shot! Looks like you guys are having some fun!

Anonymous 16 year
Hi STeven,

Maybe I am being a bit dim here but the COG overlay is just a tick box

i.e Overlay source image or don't. There is no option to overlay by any other means such as by a marker.

Best wishes

Ian R
Anonymous 16 year

No, you're not dim .. we just never updated that module. It was one of the earlier ones that did not get the dropdown image overlay. That has been updated in the newest release now available on the website.

Thanks for the tip!

Anonymous 16 year
Aha! No problem. Glad I asked then :)

Also, I did kinda realise that one of your newer versions after you had added the SRV_1b didn't have the SRV_1b present which I thought was a bit weird. Maybe this was the same with this case?

Best regards

Ian R
This should work right?
16 year
Hi STeven,

I used the Markers so that I could use the original bayer filter for all 3 colours.

Can you please take a look at the .robo file attached and see why you think it doesnt do any further filtering after 'Display Image Original'

This would be a great help! Cheers!

Anonymous 16 year

Any of the "display" modules will only "display" AFTER the entire processing of the pipeline is complete. This is to avoid actually processing the graphics that they display. In terms of the display image that is normally used to do a PIP (Picture in Picture) where the image is smaller than the original. This is only done after all processing as it is unlikely that processing the image with a PIP is the intended use of that module. Thus, just use the marker module to set another marker (call it dummy1 or whatever ... the name is not relevant) but use the Revert To to call back in the "Original" image. So just keep using the marker to save and restore images and you'll be ok.


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