Where is the lego control???
17 year
Hi, i ´m not see the lego control in the download page, where is it???

I´dont know where is the lego control program and i will not advance in the tutorials.

Can you help me????

The program is in the picture.


Pd: Sorry for my bad english, i´m spanish.
Anonymous 17 year
Ok, i found the control program

I´m not see the option in the menu.

Lego Module
17 year
Just for others reading this post ... the lego module is located in the Control->Lego tree location. Click on the plus sign in the left side of the main RoboRealm interface and it will expand to show both Lego Control Modules. Note that the "Lego" module is for the RCX and the "Lego NXT" is for the Lego NXT system.


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