Bayer filter
Steve from United States  [3 posts]
16 year
Hi, I am trying to use the Bayer Filter to produce colour images.

Before I apply the filter the image appears orange and green (see first image), it should be mostly blue. After I apply the filter however it appears almost black with very low contrast/brightness/intensity. The second image here is with the Bayer filter and contrast enhancement.

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?


Anonymous 16 year

Thanks for the images. The original one (orange one) does not appear to be in the bayer format that the current RoboRealm module is created to understand. It might be that the pixel data is packed in a different way. We were wondering if you could include what the image should look like (if possible), its final width & height dimensions (this helps us understand the format) and what device/website produced this image as perhaps they have more information about the format the image is in.

From that it should be easy enough to add into RR.

Steve from United States  [3 posts]
16 year
Dear Steven,

Here are the images. The "real" image is taken from a screen shot whilst using Sony's software SonyCap so is not the correct dimensions. The camera I am using is Sony's XCD-X710CR and the image should be 1024x768.  

The website I bought it from says this about the camera colour "What's more, the XCD-SX910CR and XCD-X710CR cameras use a CCD with a color mask (commonly called a "Bayer filter") and output the "raw color" pixel values in 8 or 10 bit to be converted to a color image on the computer."

Thanks for your help,

Anonymous 16 year

We took an initial look at the images you sent over. We still need a little help in order to interpret the images. Can you send us an image of a pure red, blue and white object (as separate images) in the bayer format? It looks like the bits might be packed together and the Sony website does not offer any more information about the specific format of the Bayer arrangement other than that it is Bayer. Having those images will help us understand how the different channels are encoded.

Steve from United States  [3 posts] 16 year
Dear STeven,

I hope these images help. It is a little difficult for me to get the different colours as in my setup I am illuminating with blue light so everything looks blue. I took the first three images (red, blue then white) by holding the camera to a screen displaying the appropriate colour and the colour looked OK on SonyCap. The fourth image is a red circle on a blue background from my setup.


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