cameras, Data log
nachiket from India  [3 posts]
16 year
1 I plan to use Roborealm software along with simple webcam for recording XY coordinates of robot arm tip.
     My requirement need me to buy a webcam having resolution of 1600 X 1200. Is the software compatible for such high resolution camera..
     Upto what resolution does the software works the best.

2.  Also, I need to continuously update and record the X Y positions of three point on the robot. How do I get this in the software. I have gone              through   the  write variable module. But still I am not sure how to use it to serve my purpose.

3.  In the red object tracking module,  There is a VB scriot program
         "  SetVariable "SERVO_VALUE", Cint((GetVariable("COG_X") * 255)/GetVariable("IMAGE_WIDTH")) "
In this what is this value of 255.  
I would be required to calibrate the module to get COG X and Y values in tearms of real values ( in cm, mm etc.)
Does this value of 255 play any role in such calibration. Or do I simply neglect it while writing my own code.
Anonymous 16 year
1. We just upped the max resolution to 1600x1200 so you should be able to use that resolution ... note it will be a slow fps due to the large image.

2. It depends on where you need the final values to go. Do you just want to save them to a file and load them afterwards with Excel? Do you need to transmit them to another system that controls the actuators? Do you need to email them?

3. The 255 refers to the range of the final servo value. In this case the servo expects a value from 0 to 255 and thus you need to ensure that regardless of the screen size that any point along the x axis which in you case can be 0 to 1600 is mapped to a 0 to 255 range. Naturally depending on the device you wish to control the range will be different. So you should replace the 255 with the number that represents the maximum range of whatever you are trying to control.


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