Higher Resolution Camera
16 year

Having gone through some of the tutorials (e.g., why track color) etc., I was trying to get  my boe-bot with blue tooth to start using the same or similar program.  Good for me to start with.  However, the camera I am using gives a horozontal resolution of 720. I have tried to run through the calculations, but I seem to be having a problem adjusting the formulas in the vb script program.  With this kind of resolution, what should this script look like?  Or, asked anther way...  how would the vbscript for "why track color" change given a 720 resolution?
Anonymous 16 year

We've just updated that tutorial to include a more adaptable script that will change its values based on the image size. Have a look at


and you can download the robofile on the last page of the tutorial.


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