Request Feacture
16 year
Is it possible to include two simple feactures:

Possibiliti of running and send RR to minimize to system tray.
Create a Variable to shop atm fps.
Is it possible showing (in real time) the video to the API aplication ? im using VB.net and maybe i can use the virtual web cam but other way is welcome.

thx in Advance
Anonymous 16 year

Do you mean that you want an API command to cause it to minimize? Otherwise just click on the third icon at the top of the GUI and it should minimize.

What do you mean by "shop atm fps"??

Yes, there is an API command called get_image that will pass back the image to the control application. This is "near" real time but will depend on the network if it is accessed across two machines. Otherwise, yes, the virtual camera can also be used for this purpose.

Anonymous 16 year
1.I mean minimize to the system tray , not the "normal " minimize, i dint thing of doing it by the API but it should be nice if i could do it in roborealm and API to.

2. I mean show at the moment FPS in a variable

3. thx for the info on the get_image.
Anonymous 16 year

The latest version just uploaded has the FPS as a system default variable. That should take care of feature request #2.

In terms of minimizing RR to the system tray, we'll have to get back to you on that one. We've attempted to run RR in "invisible" mode but this causes issues with the directX routines. This will take some time to figure out but luckily is not a feature that prevents some functionality so it is a low priority development.


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