recommend fast web cam
Mike Holden from United States  [1 posts]
16 year

I like roborealm a lot, I've been testing it out using .avi files and it seems powerful and fast.  So I bought a webcam (Logitech quickcam) and hooked it up, and it works with roborealm too.

The problem is the webcam is very slow to update.  There is a lot of lag if you pan the camera or something moves, which makes any video-based control hard to accomplish.  The camera is at fault, because the video is slow in the logitech software too, and roborealm works in real-time on the video files.

So can anyone recommend a webcam that has a fast update rate?  I want the motion to be as near real-time as possible.  Doesn't need to be high-resoultion.  USB is preferred, but whatever has worked for you would be great to hear.  Most cameras have the framerate listed but the lag is probably independent of this, more a function of the filtering in the sensor I would think.

Anonymous 16 year

I'm not sure the camera is at fault. Most of the Logitech cameras are quite good and should be capable of running at 30fps which should give you a very fast feedback loop. What I would investigate is if you have the most recent version of DirectX installed (the older VFW is much slower) AND I'd check to see if you have USB2.0 or something quick enough to get all that data from the camera.

One way you can test the data transfer rate is to reduce the image size to the smallest possible size (Options button->Video->Video Format->Select 160x120 in the size dropdown) and see if the video rate increases/delay decreases. If it does then you are probably maxing out your USB transfer rate.

We've had that same problem in the past when we cram too many cameras on one machine. The video rate slows and becomes somewhat delayed (i.e. you move and the camera finally updates the movement a couple seconds later).

Other than that, what Logitech camera did you get?


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