histogram drawing
16 year
hey is there any module with which i can plot a histogram , often we have values which we want to see pictorially, so may be a plot fuction to plot a array might be useful..
for example in thresholding fuction we can see a plot automaticaaly..
suppose i only need to see the values of the first row or the 5 th row..
may be i want ti see the histogram row wise  and columnwise

  how can that be done thanks..... gr8 job..guys..
Anonymous 16 year
Just a clarification ... are you interested in just viewing the information in a popup type window like the View Histogram http://www.roborealm.com/help/Histogram.php module or are you wanting the histogram to be inserted into the current camera image (ie replace the image on which it is based) and allow for further processing of the histogram using other RR modules?


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