Using Visual Basic in RoboRealm
16 year
Hi everbody,
I have got a problem at using visual basic in roborealm. Before I write down my problem I want to ask you a question. Let's say I am tracking a blue ball in roborealm. After the mean and RGB filter operations I got the blue ball clearly then I add COG and got the X and Y coordinates of the ball. İs it possible to send the X and Y data to Visual Basic simultaneously and use these data. I tried to use the VBScript_Program but I always got the error messages although the program works fine in Visual Basic. I think the VB_script in roborealm is not exactly like a Visual Basic. I really want to use roborealm in my project because it works great at capturing the ball.  Can you help me please. Thank you..
Anonymous 16 year

Correct .. VBScript is NOT VB. It is a much simpler subset of VB. If you wish to "transmit" the COG variables to a VB program you will need to use the API commands to do so. You can find more about the API at


and download the API examples which includes a VB example at


Note that many languages are included in the download so just ignore anything that is not VB.


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