Bayer Filters
16 year
Hi there,

I am quite new to Roborealm and have access to a firewire camera which feeds out raw data, thus requiring a bayer filter.

Is there any way that I can apply a bayer filter to roborealm?

Assuming you understand bayer filters, this camera in particular has a non deterministic start column, meaning the type of bayer filter (RG, RB etc) can change each time the camera is started up.

I would be ever so grateful if you could give me some advice about this.

Anonymous 16 year

We don't yet have a Bayer filter added to RoboRealm but one can easily be added.

However, the camera should produce a "decoder ring" meta data that will tell the module which order the camera is currently using. What we don't know is how your particular camera supports this. Is RR able to see anything coming from this camera? Can you mention the make/model of the camera and if they provide any supporting libraries or code?

Anonymous 16 year
The camera's made by the imaging source and the model is DBK 21F04 (I think!).  Can get a black and white picture in rr (I just posted above before i checked this) so if its possible to get tracking using shapes this might do.

There is a colour camera around but the picture quality/speed in rr from the bayer camera is substantially better.


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