Brouwnst from France  [4 posts]
16 year
Hi, I'm new on RR, and actually i'm new on programming stuffs!
I would like to use the Socket mod to connect RR with a program like MaxMsp or Pure Data, but when i try to connect the socket module, it failed.

I'm sure that there is something that i don't understand properly, i donwloaded the exentensions examples, if someone could explain me exactly the way to follow?

Best & Thanks
Anonymous 16 year

It is very unlikely that those applications will just work with RoboRealm (or even the other way round). Typically integrations like these other than through saving and loading of images is a programming exercise that requires deep knowledge of both applications.

We have done integrations like these in the past but only when it makes sense. While MaxMsp look like very sophisticated and developed programs it is unfortunately very unlikely that the integration between the two softwares will ever be a high priority for either company ... but don't let that stop you!

Brouwnst from France  [4 posts] 16 year
Hi, thanks for the answer!
I'm still working on. I found a way by using Processing_125 first! And then by using the API server of RoboRealm, which i think is the easiest way to make MaxMsp and RR communicate, actually i didn't try yet, but it works pretty well with Processing.
And if the communication with Max doesn't work, i could use Processing as a bridge beetween both applications.
I'd like to use RR as a tool for motion graphic stuffs, so i need to connect it with the programms that i know!

Anonymous 16 year

FYI, there is another possibility that might be ready in a week or so. We've been experimenting with creating a virtual video device that would look like a webcam but instead be the processed feed from RoboRealm from a webcam. This will allow any program that can interact with webcams or video devices to grab the processed image from RoboRealm as if it were a webcam. I suppose that might be an easy way for MaxMsp or even Processing to grab images from RoboRealm.

Look for that feature in a week or two.

Brouwnst from France  [4 posts] 16 year
Hi Steven,
Sounds great!
Keep me updated!


Anonymous 16 year
This functionality has now been launched. Please see ver that includes the needed files to create the RoboRealm VCam driver. See


for more information about setting up and using the virtual camera.

Brouwnst from France  [4 posts] 16 year
I will try it soon!

Thanks RR team!
You are just incredible

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