Wireless camera
Lazycat from Singapore  [5 posts]
16 year
Hello all,

I am going get the DLINK DCS-900 Internet Camera to work with roborealm. I heard Axis camera are better from previous posts, but the price is way too high for my budget. I wonder what are the problems with Dlink camera and if it is critical?? Can anyone kindly provide some details on this?
Thanks for any replies!!!

Lazycat from Singapore  [5 posts] 16 year
Hello all,

another question is new DCS 950 also supported by the roborealm?
Anonymous 16 year

As far as we know the 950 should work just fine.

They are good cameras expect that they appear to burn out after a year or two of constant usage. Of the four that we know about 3 are no longer operating. So they should be fine for short term use but I wouldn't expect them to last more than a year if heavily used.

Lazycat from Singapore  [5 posts] 16 year
Thanks alot Steven!!!


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