Pipe Program Help
Eric  [1 posts]
16 year
I need to provide my visual basic program with variables. I tried using a Visual Basic pipe that I found on RR's website but I couldn't get the variable. The color change did work though.

What I want to do, is to provide my Visual Basic program with a specific variable. Please tell me how and give me an example. Thank You
Anonymous 16 year

Did you see the ProcessVariable Sub? At the top of it is the line

        If strName = "name" Then

which is meant for you to substitute "name" with your own variable. Naturally, duplicating that line allows you to add in more variables.

Note that if you just want to periodically grab a variable from RR using VB you might want to look at the API instead at


which is meant for that (there is also a COM object to make things easier in VB). The Extensions (which you are currently using) are meant to add new filter module to RR, the API is meant for external programs to control RR.


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