Using multiple LEDs to initiate mouse movement and button clicks
16 year
I'm very new to this, and I'd like to know if it would be possible to have the mouse follow one blob (like in the mouse module example, but with a red LED in my case) and left click if a different color blob was visible (such as from a green LED)?  If so, how?

Anonymous 16 year
Yes, that is possible. Can you provide an image that shows the red led that you plan to use? Perhaps with the other colored led included? We can then better provide which filters would work to extract out the position of the red led.

Anonymous 16 year
Here are both LEDs by themselves, and then together.  If the red one being brighter than the green is an issue, I could make it so that the red turns off when the green turns on, if it wouldn't make the cursor go crazy.

Red LED:
1.7 V, 20mA, 800mcd
Green LED:
2.1 V, 30mA, 630mcd

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