Multiple Cameras
Brian  [4 posts]
16 year
I was trying to set up two USB cameras using the "Transform/Mosaic" module and having some difficulty getting both camera images to appear in mosaic. I checked to make sure both cameras were working but when I load them into the mosaic I get one image a black square, the other image from the second camera loaded. Which ever camera is loaded last is the image shown with the first camera being a black square. The USB web cameras are from two different manufactures running different drivers.
Any suggestions?
Anonymous 16 year
It works preti fine to me u just need to put the second camera on the second drop list.

if u leave a space open between them is going to show black square.

Im using my laptop buid in camera and 2 usb ones.
Anonymous 16 year

Try configuring things as needed and then exit and restart RoboRealm. Sometimes the multiple video feeds gets a little confused during the configuration and will correct itself once restarted.


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