SRV Comport
Michael  [2 posts]
16 year
The SRV program that I installed was unable to initialize the comport. What can I do to solve the problem?

Thank you
Anonymous 16 year

Which com port did you try to connect to? We just retested the SRV-1 on the latest version and everything seems fine. Whenever we connect the SRV-1 usb to the computer it gets a high com port .. normally well above 4. Did you install the needed drivers for the usb mentioned on


Do you get this issue using the Java based software provided with the SRV-1?

SRV Comport
Michael  [2 posts]
16 year
Thanks STeven for your reply.

I have got the correct drivers installed for the usb. When I run the roborealm program for the SRV through wireless the drop down menu shows comport 4(not higher!!). When I select this option, I get a message telling me that it couldn't initialize comport. Then after sending signals to and fro through the hyperterminal just to check if my zigbee modules were working correctly, I discovered that they had problems. I couldn't send the whole string when I tried to. Some characters wouldn't be transferred. When I connected the PC with a serial port and now I had the SRV on comport 1, I could run the Java console that comes with the SRV bundle. So I tried to use comport 1 to run roborealm but still was not able to initialize the comport by the program. Can I use direct connect for the program without doing the wireless! Am I making a mistake anywhere. Please advise.

Thanks a lot for all your help.
Anonymous 16 year

We found and corrected a problem surrounding the connection to the SRV-1 on some machines. Can you try downloading v1.8.0.0 and see if that fix solves your problem?


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