Anonymous 17 year
i really thank u 2 mush about your replay and your help but i forget 2 tell u that i use wireless radio control and i do it with vb and c++ and it working and it is so isolated buz there is no connection between the robot and the pc .but i would like to use the robotrealm to control with vision system and i see many project here use the  same system idea i mean send the video  to pc from  wirless cam  and then teh pc take the pc take the reaction   back to motor throught parralel port . if not stuible to work with normal dc motor i could make it with  encoder or somthing or it will be more better to make it with stepper motor buz really i do not have this type of servo motor that u r using here and i have to buy it from net and this cost time and money 2 and i do not have mush time to do this and i really thank u again for your replay

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