connecting Roborealm to NXT
Michael from Canada  [9 posts]
17 year

I have done some more playing around with the sample programs/scripts. My NXT sees the PC bluetooth device, and the PC sees the NXT bluetooth. The PC wants to connect using what looks like a COM port connection. When I start the connection process the PC tells me to use COM4. But, when I go to Roborealm to set the COM port in the Lego_NXT module I have only COM1, COM2, and USB as available choices. What am I doing wrong? Do you have some setup notes on how I am to make the connection between the PC/roborealm and the NXT?

Again, Thank you for all your help with this.
Anonymous 17 year

When connected to the NXT do you see the right COM port in the system devices menu?

Right click My Computer->Select Manage->Select Device Manager->Expand Ports

That's the list that RoboRealm uses to detect which ports are active.

Also, are you using NXT or RCX. Can the provided lego program connect ok to the robot?


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