Region of interest
Sudzzz from United States  [17 posts]
17 year
Hi again,
I would like to know how to setup a robo file which can track objects in a specified region of interest. This allows me to conduct some specific tasks only the region of interest thereby allowing faster computation.
P.S Region in yellow is the region of interest. The rounded circles in red are the objects that I'd like to track.
Anonymous 17 year

Use the Transform->Crop to remove any part of the image you don't want to process. You can always overlay the final image with the original image if you want a full viewable image as your result, otherwise cropping will reduce the computational burden and speed things up.

Instead of cropping
Sudzzz from United States  [17 posts]
17 year
I'm quite familiar with cropping and have used it in many of my applications. However, I would like to set up a dynamic cropping feature where a bounding box is made around a tracked object. This box would be my Region of Interest so that I can perform some specific tasks.
Anonymous 17 year

A little known ability of the cropping module is that it can accept variables in addition to numbers. What you do is enter in


right into one or all of the boxes where you would normally see a number and the module will then interpret the value of the variable instead of static text. We're planning to change the UI on this module to better exhibit this capability but for now that should work for you. Note, be sure to include the [] around the variable as that's how RR know's that the entry is a variable and not a number.


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