FT232RL USB to Serial
Melanie from United States  [21 posts]
16 year
I used to be able to control the motors with the RoboRealm DE_Sabertooth. Since then 2 things have changed. I changed the RS232 to use a FT232RL USB to Serial and a different laptop with the RoboRealm software. I can no longer get the motors to turn with those 2 simple changes. I checked voltages but the levels are fine. I tried different baud rates to make sure that wasn't an issue but still nothing.
Melanie from United States  [21 posts] 16 year
Oh forgot to mention that i"m using Windows Vista.
There aren't any drivers listed for the FT232RL for Windows Vista.
Melanie from United States  [21 posts] 16 year
Could it be that I'm using the wrong USB to Serial device ( http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=718 ) ?

The RoboRealm website states that you must use http://www.superdroidrobots.com/shop/item.asp?itemid=795&catid=58
cable. I'm not sure what the difference is between what I've used from Sparkfun and what is recommended by superdroid robots?
Anonymous 16 year

First lets eliminate the RR running on the new laptop issue. As it is Windows Vista we've had some reports of various issues with Vista mainly due to the new security layer built into that OS.

Is it possible to try the old circuit using the new laptop? That would reduce the changes to just the software/os and test that combination. If that does'nt work then I'd check that Vista is allowing RR to access the USB/serial ports. Sometimes running RR as Admin helps but that can different even on the different Vista editions (Home, Prof, Ultimate, etc).

Melanie from United States  [21 posts] 16 year

I don't have access to the old circuit using the new laptop unfortunately. It belonged to a friend who is too preoccupied with his own robot website and his own robotics projects right now to help me with this problem. Anyway I am unsure how to run RR as Admin on Vista. I have the home edition.

I heard motors try to move briefly but then go dead. It gave me a brief moment of hope.  But then nothing...dead.

I will try out my old laptop with RR and the new circuit though to see if this works.

Anonymous 16 year

That sound like a good test! Let us know how it does.

FYI, to run RR as admin in Vista right click on RoboRealm.exe and select "Run As Administrator".

Melanie from United States  [21 posts] 16 year

I right clicked on RoboRealm and chose the option "Run as Administrator". No luck though. I haven't tried it on the old laptop (it's slow and I hate using it). Any other ideas to try?

Melanie from United States  [21 posts] 16 year

I just tried the old laptop with Windows XP. Still no luck with it.. It seems like a hardware issue. I checked the voltage levels. They are fine. I'm not sure what else to try. Maybe a bad cable connection. Will try a different one.

Melanie from United States  [21 posts] 16 year
Scott and I are working on this problem together in the evening. We discovered that the motor polarity was connected wrong such that they were going in opposing motion and cancelling each other out. This explains the small motor movement I saw early on before the motors just went dead. However, we have a new problem. When we adjust the slider for motor 1 on the roborealm de-sabertooth it controls both motors in different directions depending on the slider position. We are using the 10Amp 2x10 Sabertooth. We double checked the wires and it is definitely hooked up accurately. It seems to be a logic problem. Is there anyway to see the pulses being sent to the motors?
Melanie from United States  [21 posts] 16 year
Never mind, we had a problem with the DIP switches. We adjusted the dip switches to packetized modes on the Sabertooth.

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