48 posts
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Roborealm and hexapod [29]
Hi Valentina, I have only had my MSRH01 for 2 months, and I only got Roborealm last week, so I have...
13 year 71 6522
Roborealm and hexapod [44]
thanks steven! I completely missed that! ...
13 year 71 6522
Roborealm and hexapod [57]
Hi Valentina! I have attached a robo file which isoletes the red, green, blue, and yellow to marker...
13 year 71 6522
Roborealm and hexapod [24]
I had a little play around with how to have 2 filters running in a single robo file and this is what I came up with
13 year 71 6522
Roborealm and hexapod [42]
you can use SetTimedVariable "ROBOREALM_VARIABLE", new_value, milliseconds
13 year 71 6522
Roborealm and hexapod [21]
Sorry for hijacking your thread! EDV I have a question about AVM.  how do the move speed ...
13 year 71 6522
Roborealm and hexapod [39]
Heres an update to my own project : Firstly I fixed an error in my above application that made the ...
13 year 71 6522
Roborealm and hexapod [69]
Very nice indeed. Loved the videos. and it was quite a good read (although I think google translate didnt really get some of it!...
13 year 71 6522

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