5 posts
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srv1 motors control [2]
hi steven, my name is fabio and I want to ask your help because I'm using roborealm for the thesis at the University and I'm w...
14 year 7 5069
srv1 motors control [7]
il comando del protocollo SRVche pilota TRM6/7 รจ 'sab' direct servo control of 2nd ...
14 year 7 5069
srv1 motors control [6]
Do you know any software that i can use? thanks again...
14 year 7 5069
srv1 motors control [4]
Thank you for your reply. I send you three photos of my robot. The problem is that the robot has to follow a laser...
14 year 7 5069
Dear Sir, I use the SRV1 blackfin with two servos connected to TMR6 and TMR7. Using PicoC compiler I...
14 year 1 3777

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