149 posts
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Socket Server [8]
We're having problems replicating your issue. If you try the following python script on another machine do you see the same beha...
8 year 15 3380
Roborealm and Delphi [5]
Are you able to open up a socket connection using Delphi? Perhaps you have an example in your environment that opens up a socket...
13 year 6 3028
Re sending serial commands [3]
Kurt, First off, if you could use a period or two that would help with understanding your post. :-)...
12 year 4 1960
input from camera [4]
Yes, the virtual camera is a possibility but the API might provide you with more control over how RoboRealm operates. If you are...
14 year 3 1518
Re sending serial commands
Hi STeven and thanks for the reply, so punctuation never was my strong point ;-), maybe if i explain my bots setup it will help ...
12 year 4 1960
Roborealm for finding wall outlet [5]
I think you're correct. You can use the floor wall intersection line to line up with the wall and then approach the socket stra...
17 year 7 3309
Re sending serial commands [5]
Hi STeven and thanks for the reply, so punctuation never was my strong point ;-), maybe if i explain my bots setup it will help ...
12 year 4 1960
Multiple Cameras [3]
Tony, The "best" camera for use with RR is a difficult question to answer as there are so many va...
15 year 2 1533
Roborealm loses the camera [6]
Stephen, I have exactly that camera with the driver version that should NOT work ... but  ...
9 year 8 2073
Need help: API response time fluctuates a lot [4]
Hi, STeven,  Sorry for the late response.  We have been pre-occupied by the preparations for our first regio...
11 year 3 1636
Socket extension: protocol for arrays [3]
Texx, The arrays should be send as a four byte sequence of numbers using the Socket plugin. This is...
14 year 8 1702
RoboRealm and LabVIEW [8]
Did you managed to conect labview directly to roborealm? or by using another program as a bridge like the Java socket example? I...
15 year 15 8891
Socket extension: protocol for arrays [7]
Texx, Thanks for the description. We found the issue ... a fix will be up in the next couple of hou...
14 year 8 1702
Socket extension: protocol for arrays [8]
Texx, Please download version 2.10.7 which has that fix. Also, there i...
14 year 8 1702
Defect detecting in weldings [6]
Steven, I'm using the socket based API to control RoboRealm through Visual Basic, and also experim...
13 year 6 3807
Telnet not displaying text [3]
S, That's actually correct and the way that telnet works without a local echo. While you do not se...
13 year 2 4808
Mach3 [4]
Wolfgang, In order to get the variables from RoboRealm you'd need to open up a socket connection f...
9 year 17 3553
Reliable MCU communication [4]
To STeven: No, I use a wired connection to the Arduino. Sorry, I forgot to give the link in the initial report: ...
8 year 5 2207
serial defaults [2]
Roland, The default values for the serial module are somewhat vacant as the Settings fields will be...
9 year 2 3333
Socket Server [10]
Hi Steven. Thanks for the Python script. I had running the Python script on one PC and connected to to my computer...
8 year 15 3380

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