Accessing individual pixels Sudzzz from United States [17 posts] |
17 year
How do I access individual pixels to compute some new arithmetic on it.
Anonymous |
17 year
There are a couple of ways depending on the speed and level of effort you'd like. The simplest and slowest way is to use the VBScript module to actually process the pixel values.
See the second to last example in http://www.roborealm.com/help/VBScript_Program.php on how to do this.
For better performance we do a have another module in beta that can process each pixel based on a user provided arithmetic formula. Let us know if that sounds interesting to you.
The last and final way is to write an extension to RoboRealm in the language of your choice. See the extensions documentation at
Beta module and extensions Sudzzz from United States [17 posts] |
17 year
Thanks for such a quick response.
Could you possibly send me the link to your beta module so that I can test it out and check to see whether it fits my requirements.
Also, I was fiddling around with the extensions earlier but couldn't figure out how to interface it with RoboRealm. I'm working with C# and would like to know what I need to do get my own algorithms to work. Furthermore, is it possible to change the 'image processing' area and leave the rest of the C# alone?