roborealm with interactive cinemas
abdelsalam from Egypt  [1 posts]
10 year
hi STeve
i am working on a simulator and i ask if i can use roborealm as interface software between what is displayed on cinema screen and the inputs which are (a lot of laser spots in the screen) and  
the outputs which are(motors simulate the motion in the movie and some records on the screen after show)
what i mean is can i use roborealm like SALTO software by alterface?
i hope your help
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 10 year

It is certainly possible but as RoboRealm isn't really built for that kind of interaction you may find parts that are missing in comparison to SALTO. We do have a lot of capability to create such interactive types of entertainment but RoboRealm isn't built to respond with graphics, video, and sounds that you might want that SALTO appears to be built for.

You can certainly do this yourself by interfacing with RoboRealm via its API


but I suspect there is a lot more work to make it simulate the capabilities of SALTO.


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