Multiple Code Laboratory Eye cameras not recognized in other modules. Tony from United States [3 posts] |
10 year
I have two CL_eye modules running in the pipeline. I am using the Code_Laboratories_Eye modules successfully for the two cameras, each has a unique GUID. When I try to use other "multi-camera" modules, they do not recognize that there are two separate CL_eye instances running and I can only select one camera in the drop down camera selections boxes ie. 'source' or 'current'. Is there any way to make the two cameras visible to these modules?
Steven Gentner from United States [1446 posts] |
10 year
Did you install the right drivers from CodeLab? The free one only supports a single camera, the full SDK supports more than one.
Tony from United States [3 posts] |
10 year
Yes, the SDK is installed and I have used it quite extensively with OpenCV in Visual studio. Using the Code_Laboratory_Eye modules seem to work properly and I have good capture with both cameras. Is there some way I need to link the SDK or designate the path to it in RoboRealm?
Steven Gentner from United States [1446 posts] |
10 year
I realized from your screenshot that you are not using the CL_Eye module ... which you will need to use to access each camera. You can then set it to save the image as a marker which will then appear in other modules. Note that you would then use 2 of these modules to get each image.
Their driver interface does not show both cameras to DirectX and you have better control using the direct module interface.
Tony from United States [3 posts] |
10 year
Sorry, the CL_Eye modules were running in the Tab 2 and Tab 3 and I was using the call module to use them in the Main Tab, that is why you don't see them in the screen shot.
I didn't have the cameras set to save as marker. That seems to have done the trick. Thank you very much for your help and quick responses.