214 posts
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COG_BOX_SIZE = 0 when box display = 100% [2]
I just noticed a bug in RR 2.14.15.  If you use the COG module and set the displayed box size to 100%, then the COG_BO...
14 year 3 3852
Future support for Minoru 3D webcam? [5]
Hi STeven, Thanks for your reply.  I don't actually own one of the Minoru cameras at the...
14 year 6 3092
Future support for Minoru 3D webcam? [2]
Hi STeven, I was wondering if there is any plan for supporting the Minoru 3D webcam in the not-too-...
14 year 6 3092
Future support for Minoru 3D webcam? [7]
Hi STeven, Thanks for the update.  I look forward to the new Stereo module when the time ...
14 year 6 3092
Using "Eliminate Global Flow" in the Optical_Flow Module [7]
Hi Rud, Prof Mason and STeven, I finally had a chance to come back to this problem and I think I fo...
14 year 11 5429
Using "Eliminate Global Flow" in the Optical_Flow Module [12]
Hi Prof Mason, Thanks to your tip about the robosavvy group, I finally solved my long standing time...
14 year 11 5429
Using "Eliminate Global Flow" in the Optical_Flow Module [2]
Hello, I would like to use the Optical Flow module to track a moving object even when the camera it...
14 year 11 5429
Using "Eliminate Global Flow" in the Optical_Flow Module [5]
Hey profmason, Thanks for the great ideas!  I'll try to give them a go this weekend and ...
14 year 11 5429
Using "Eliminate Global Flow" in the Optical_Flow Module [11]
Hi Prof Mason, This is very helpful information!  I don't think I can use asynchronous m...
14 year 11 5429
Using "Eliminate Global Flow" in the Optical_Flow Module [9]
Hi Prof Mason, You mentioned you are using AX-12+ Dynamixels as am I.  I was wondering if...
14 year 11 5429
Is this the way to go? Obstacle avoidance [7]
Hi Aswin, One thought that came to mind is to try the Prewitt Edge detector followed by the Auto Th...
14 year 8 4827
Basic Quesiton on Cameras [5]
Hi Rud, I haven't tried obstacle avoidance based on movement yet, but this looks like a promising ...
15 year 5 2403
Head Tracking Demo using RoboRealm [6]
Ooops--forgot the link to the tutorial: ...
15 year 10 8954
Head Tracking Demo using RoboRealm [5]
I haven't played with speech recognition for a while, but the libraries you use will depend on your operating system. &nbs...
15 year 10 8954
Head Tracking Demo using RoboRealm [11]
Hi Rud, I found that there are often other small blobs with the same color as my target which is ty...
15 year 10 8954
Head Tracking Demo using RoboRealm [3]
I wrote up a little description of how the head tracking was done in these videos.  The article can be found here:
15 year 10 8954
Head Tracking Demo using RoboRealm [2]
Hello, I thought some of you might get a kick out of a few head tracking videos I just made using R...
15 year 10 8954
Head Tracking Demo using RoboRealm [9]
Hi STeven, Thanks for the nice feedback!  But of course, none of this would be possible w...
15 year 10 8954
Project. [2]
Hi Major, If you haven't already done so, check out the Tutorials section on this site.  ...
15 year 1 2738
General Guidance on Design [20]
Just a heads up on that link I posted earlier to the Zotac mini-ITX board.  I didn't realize that this particular mod...
15 year 19 3949

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