14 posts
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RR save setup for all windows accounts
Unable to save same RR options for all windows users. Changes in options made in one windows account are not "visible" into anot...
7 year 2 1872
Eliminate "spotlight" effect [6]
After applying Flatten, Color-filter (gray color) and Blob filter I've managed to make it more prone to light/shadow changes.
7 year 8 2092
Eliminate "spotlight" effect [5]
If you need more help isolating the X's let me know and we can provide an estimate of how long that would take.
7 year 8 2092
Eliminate "spotlight" effect [4]
In addition ... how to remove vertical and horizontal lines that, depending on light condition, appears after adaptive threshold...
7 year 8 2092
Eliminate "spotlight" effect [3]
Thank you very much for your kind reply. 1. I've applied Adaptive Threshold and indeed it's less se...
7 year 8 2092
Eliminate "spotlight" effect
Actuall I have 2 problems: 1. I'm trying to get Xs (handwritten) from an image [Test5.jpg]. For tha...
7 year 8 2092
Eliminate "spotlight" effect [8]
I've ended up with 1. Salt_Pepper 10,50 2. Adaptive Threshold 20,10,30,200
7 year 8 2092
Eliminate "spotlight" effect [7]
Unfortunately this turned out not to be true ... things changed in the morning when I tested it under daylight. <...
7 year 8 2092
Find image skew angle
[Lines - 01.jpg] image has small angle skew (I think around 1 degree). Any idea how to determine that angle?
7 year 2 1903
Find image skew angle [2]
I've solved this problem using found fiducials position on image and calculating angle between two points....
7 year 2 1903
Distorted image - grid marking reading
Have an image [Grid reading.jpg] of a paper. Since real paper is not flat as expected but bent image of that paper is distorted....
8 year 2 2241
Setting array variable problem
Have a problem with SetArrayVariable ... sometimes it works but in this example it appears it does not work - here is a code sni...
8 year 2 1847
Wrong marker image get via COM API
I'm using roborealm to analyze content of template document (basically one or two barcodes and several X marks on known position...
8 year 2 1948
Integer value in Windows-32
I have image with two barcodes (Code128) on it. First one has 10 digits. Second one has 4 digits. Barcode module reads them corr...
9 year 2 2673

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